Vocabulary sheet concerning the subject of immigration

1. Vokabel-Glossar für die Arbeit zum Thema “Immigration there’s no going back” (final version,  Stand: 05.12.2017)
GermanEnglishother language
an Bordon board
andere Sittenother manners
anders angezogendressed differently
Angst habento be scared of
anpassento adjust oneself to
Außengrenzeouter border
finanzielle Lagefinancial position
flüchtento flee from, to escape from
flüchtento take refuge
Flüchtlingsboot/ Gummibootvessel /rubber dinghy
Flüchtlingscamprefugee camp
Flüchtlingsheimrefugee hostel
Flüchtlingswellewave of refugees
gefährliche Bootsüberfahrt nach Europaperilous boat crossing to Europe
jemanden anzeigento display someone
Mittelmeerthe Mediterranean Sea
Menschenrechtehuman rights
Person in Not (auf See)person in distress (at sea)
Rettungsaktionrescue operation
Seenotrettungsschiffrescue recovery ship
sogenannte Drittstaatenso-called third countries
sorgento care
spendento donate
Traum vom besseren Lebendream of a better life
übervorteilentaking advantage
Wirtschaftsflüchtlingeconomic refugee

2. Activities that can be done with the students on the topic of „Immigration“ (Teacher’s guide)

  1. Speed dating
Speed dating, Ingunnarskóli, Reykjavík

Either students do speed dating to get to know each other or they have to think about how to act / think in the role (see “two examples of role cards” in the appendix) of a different person (possible role cards: unaccompanied minor, young man, young woman with a baby, father without his family, volunteer, local, policeman, mayor, doctor, soldier). 

2. Sports activities

Team building, Ingunnarskóli, Reykjavík

Team building, confidence, taking responsibility, integration of weaker students, Reflection, internet research and discussion

Team building “Tower of power”, Franz-Stock-RS Hövelhof

3. Definition: What does home mean to me? What is a general definition? What does the word “homeland” mean? How to feel as a stranger? What are the reasons that people leave their own countries?

 Put outcomes together on a PPP or posters (gallery walk and discussion). 

Collage “Homeland”, Franz-Stock-RS Hövelhof

4. Think-Pair-Share: Pictures of refugees leaving their countries Choose the one affecting you most and put together your thoughts and feelings about it. Why did students choose this picture?

Think-pair-share “choosing”, Franz-Stock-RS Hövelhof
Think-pair-share “presenting”, Franz-Stock-RS Hövelhof

5. Group work on the following aspects: current situation of refugees in Europe, escape routes, sea rescue, volunteer organizations (internet research). Outcome should be presentations, posters, ability to answer a questionnaire.

finger painting, Franz-Stock-RS Hövelhof
art work “Bags”, Ingunnarskóli, Reykjavik

6. Art work about the topic: How to feel as a refugee. Writing and acting a short play, writing and singing a song, creating modern art sculptures or pictures to express the feelings of a refugee, finger painting, different kind of handicraft, bags

Musicproject from international student group, Ingunnarskóli, Reykjavík

student’s poem (acrostic “refugee”), Franz-Stock-RS Hövelhof
modern art sculptures, Franz-Stock-RS Hövelhof
modern art sculpture “immigration”, Hövelhof
Art work “Pictures”, Ingunnarskóli, Reykjavík

Rap: Auf der Flucht

Vers 1 ( Johanna, Rieke, Laura, Louis, Jana)
Explosions are everywhere
it looks like a Michael bay movie
Burning pieces falling from the sky
It`s a go dam hell fury

They are humans too
Why can`t you just coexist
People are loosing lives
We have to stop them
so more people can stay alive

Chorus (Leon, Lina, Marina, Tabea, Jessica)
People are dead `cause nobody helped them
The boat could not resist their weight
People are dead `cause nobody helped them
And now their bodies are still there.

Vers 2 (Stefania, Denise, Maria, Hannah)
They have lost their home and friends
it`s so long before the journey ends
They have no food nor drinks
and these people are afraid to sink
But they have to be so brave
or they will be lost beneath the waves

People are dead `cause nobody helped them
The boat could not resist their weight
People are dead `cause nobody helped them
and now their bodies are still there.

Vers 3 (Hanna, Pascal, Simon, Justus)
They have to go on a rubber boat
They are scared, because they don`t know
if they leave the boat alive
They need protection on the sea

People are dead `cause nobody helped them
The boat could not resist their weight
People are dead `cause nobody helped them
And now their bodies are still there.

Vers 4 (Magnus, Sophie)
Our boat collapsed, but I was lucky to get rescued
I felt happy and relieved
but was also devistated and sad
I couldn`t get the image of drowning babies out of my head

Rap created at the meeting in Hövelhof, Franz-Stock RS Hövelhof

Short play (subject “Forced to flee”), Franz-Stock-RS Hövelhof
Video of short play “Forced to flee”, after the SEA WATCH lecture, held by Martin Kolek, Franz-Stock-RS Hövelhof

7. Presentations of local and international volunteer organizations (e.g. Amnesty International, Venligboerne, Sea Watch) supporting refugees and afterwards discussions with students. 

Lecture of Amnesty International Iceland, Ingunnarskóli, Reykjavik
Lecture of “Venligboerne” at Rask Mølle Skole, Rask Mølle
Lecture of Martin Kolek, volunteer for SEA WATCH, Franz-Stock-RS Hövelhof
(view the script “Martin’s story”, available in all project languages under the topic “Resources”)

8. Visit to different museums / sights referring to migration/refugees in former times as each country has got a history concerning (civil) war (e.g. concentration camp, war museum, air raid shelter). Visit to a photographer who specializes in photos about refugees to see the strain / relief in their faces.

Visit at the Museu de Historia de la Immigracio de Catalunya (MHIC)
Lecture at the Museu de Historia de la Immigracio de Catalunya (MHIC)
Exhibition Páll Stefánsson “pá/…then” (now/…then), Reykjavík
Exhibition Páll Stefansson, Museum of Photography, Reykjavík

Outcomes should be group work (e.g. how to cope with a large number of refugees in a small town -> role play), individual videos (what would you take with you if you had to leave your home country or self-written interviews with a refugee, see films “interview with a refugee”, “what would I take with me 1/2/3/4”).

student’s group work, Rask Mølle Skole, Rask Mølle

9. Real or virtual visit to a refugee camp or meeting with individual refugees (depending on the country’s regulations). 

Virtual reality visit of a refugee camp, Ingunnarskóli, Reykjavík, Reykjavik
Women from Gaza, telling her story (for further material look at “Resources”: A mother’s story); Ingunnarskóli Reykjavìk
lecture about the situation in Gaza

10. Putting together the results for the school (website, evening for the parents, presentation to the whole school)

Example of student’s presentation, Franz-Stock-RS Hövelhof
Preparing the lecture of Martin Kolek from SEA WATCH, Franz-Stock-RS Hövelhof
Preparing the lecture of Martin Kolek from SEA WATCH, Franz-Stock-RS Hövelhof

3. Workshop “Fairy tales of H.C. Andersen”

Presentation “Working with fairy tales of H.C. Andersen”, Rask Mølle Skole, Rask Mølle

Workshop: “Fairy tales of H.C. Andersen”

Prepare by reading the following fairy tales by H.C. Andersen. Maybe you can let the students read them in your national language. In the workshops you can provide english versions of the following fairy tales:

The Ugly Duckling, The Hardy Tin Soldier, The Little Match Girl, The Teapot and The Toad.


The fairy tales are available in both english, spanish and german vi the link above. The fairy tales numbers are 12-25-37-117-127.

H.C. Andersen workshop – Pupil assignment

  • Find quotes from the fairy tales that relates to the subject – Immigration and the challenges we face. – Be prepared to discuss and comment the quotes you have chosen.

Present your choices on a cardboard with illustrations…

  • Find out more about HC Andersen and his life – Why did he move from Odense to Copenhagen?

Use all of your creative skills available! Make a drawing, a presentation, a poem, a collage etc.

Aims of the workshop:


  1. To make the pupils relate to the topic immigration through reading fairy tales
  2. To make pupils aware of how H.C. Andersen evolved into a famous author
  3. To make pupils realize what some people do to create a better life for themselves.
  4. To make pupils express their thoughts on the topic through creativity


  1. To make pupils from different countries interact


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