John Spence High School is an 11-16 school in the North East of England. It is designated as a specialist Sports College and offers a wide range of sporting opportunities as well as other extra curricular activities to all students whilst also offering a diverse range of academic activities. We have approximately 850 pupils, 60 teaching staff and 30 non teaching staff including SSA’s, technical support and office staff.

John Spence High school has been involved in an Erasmus project in the year 2013 to 2015, working with 3 other schools who are also part of this application process. We hope to continue to develop our relationship with these participates, whilst adding 2 additional schools to futher our experience with international partnerships. Our previous title for the last project was “Water, Essentail for Life”. We have also worked in an exchange project with schools in South Korea to develop teaching expertise and reportoire.