After two years of working to the subject of “Immigration- there’s no going back” our students are asked to give a feedback concerning the project. Here are some examples of their answers:

Questions for students (answers from different students):

1. What did you most enjoy about the Erasmus Project?

I thought, it was great to get an insight into the  different cultures.It was also interesting to learn the reasons why people flee.

The travel to the other Countries and the contact with the Students also were part of the Erasmus Projekt. 

The chance to meet people from a lot of different countrys and work with them all together.

We spend a lot of time together and learned how the other people live. At the same moment we worked to do something nice and tryed to help other people.

Most of all I enjoyed the contact with other people from other countries. It has broadened my perspective on the many other countries. The project was also good to get to know other friends.

The first exchange where the others came to us.

That I learned a lot about other cultures and Europe.

2. Describe the most memorable experience that you had when you were part of the Erasmus Project.

A moment, I will always remember was the first night in a foreign country without my family or friends.

It was great talking to the refugees from the “Hauptschule”(Neighborschool), because they were able to tell us exactly how they come here. It was amazing hearing their storys.

The most memorable experience in that time was for me to see how different people can be in different ways in different countries, but still how we all got along well with each other.

3. What did you find was the most different about the culture of the country that you visited? Consider your experiences with your host family.

Personally, I found that there were no big differences except that everyone was quite familiar with each other.

My host family was very friendly and totally open. Always there for you. Nevertheless the Icelanders are a bit crazier and more spontaneous than we are in Germany.

My host family was very friendly and totally open. Always there for you. Nevertheless the Icelanders are a bit crazier and more spontaneous than we are in Germany.

4. Would you like to stay in contact with anyone you met as part of the Erasmus Project?

Yes, some of them were pretty nice.

Yes I am still in contact with my host family, hoping to see them again soon or to invite them to Germany.

I think the most different was that the people in Denmark are relaxed. The life situation in my family was really special, so I found it was amazing how they mastered it.

5. How will your experiences help to integrate and support refugees and asylum seekers in your home country and in your local communities?

The project would make it easier to put oneself in the shoes of the refugees.

We now know how hard refugees it have and understand them more, that way we can get along better.

I learned we have to see this people an the same level how us. And have to integrate this people good.

I learned that every country is a littel bit different. Not only the nature. Of course it’s different but the people where very different too. Also we heard a lot of different thougts from a lot of different people and that could be help to find new ways to solve problems.

Now I have more respect for them and knew, that they are people like us.

6. How did your understanding of immigration develop due to your involvement in the Erasmus Project?  

Now I can better imagine what it is like to be in a foreign country without understanding anything.

I believe we all have the openness and friendliness to change or at least improve our view of our countries.

I am open to immigrants. We are all human and should meet in love.

7. Can you suggest any improvements that could be made to the Erasmus Project?

Yes, you should take even more care that the communication before the exchange is better.

Everyone should get a chance to travel to a different country.

I believe we all have the openness and friendliness to change or at least improve our view of our countries.

8. Did you encounter any difficulties when you were communicating with new people? Did your skills improve in this area?

First, it was hard to speak in english but after a few days it was getting easier.

In Spain i learned to speak more free and clear which helped me a little bit in my oral exam.

No, we were using english or tried to explain with our hands/ bodies.

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