Transnational meeting in Newcastle at John Spence Highschool – preparing the mobilities
Erasmus students, Hövelhof
International foodmarket, Hövelhof
Playing “Kahoot” together (I), farewell party Hövelhof
Playing “Kahoot” together (II), Hövelhof
Coming together, Rask Mølle
International food market, Rask Mølle
Teamwork, Rask Mølle
Visit of the H.C. Andersen Museum, Odense
Erasmus+ students in Rask Mølle
Lecture of “Venligboerne”, Rask Mølle
Erasmus teachers and students, Rask Mølle
Team activities, L’Ametlla del Vallès
Having lunch together, L’Ametlla del Vallès
“Amigos para siempre”, Farewell party, L’Ametlla del Vallès
Erasmus students in L’Ametlla del Vallès, Spain
Collage made by students of Franz-Stock-RS Hövelhof after their visit in L’Ametlla del Vallès
Transnational teacher meeting, Friedberg
“Tower of power”, Teacher activity, Reykjavík
Going “on adventure”, Golden circle tour, Iceland
Geography “live”, Thingvellir Nationalpark, Iceland
Singing together, Skàholtkirkja, Iceland
Experiencing the breathtaking (and “freezing cold”) nature of Iceland, Gullfoss waterfall
Preparations for the international food market, Reykjavìk
International food market, Reykjavìk
Saying “Hello” to the President of Iceland
“Selfie” with the President of Iceland
“Where Presidents eat”… the official dining room of Bessastadir, Álftanes/ Iceland
Visiting Reykjavìk, view from Hallgrímskirkja
Farewell dinner at Ingunnarskóli, homemade dishes prepared by the icelandic host families
Farewell dinner, Reykjavík
Final transnational meeting in Vejle/ DK, 16.09-20.09.2019
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